2006 was exciting
because I got to chase with Tim Marshall, one of the legends of storm
chasing and a great guy. Unfortunately it was also a dud of a tornado
season. We scoured the plains doing the best we could, chasing marginal
setup after marginal setup and we did get a couple of good storms, but
in general this was the season of taking scenery shots rather than storm
footage. Interestingly, a lot of my friends like my photo album from
this year more than any other because it's got a lot of the best shots
I've taken showing the true beauty of the Great Plains.
2006 Photo Album:
Video: Chase Day Pages: May 27th, 2006: Highly Electrified hail storm with great lightning over Bismarck, ND. May 30th, 2006: Classic supercell with rotating wall cloud, then high precipitation hailer over Roger Mills County, OK. May 31st, 2006: HP supercell starting in Limon, CO then traveling east down I-70 with lots of hail and great mammatus clouds. June 2nd, 2006: Nicely structured high-based storms over the Black Hills of South Dakota. June 3rd, 2006: Several severe cells near Highmore, SD with good banding and possible microbursts.
All pictures (C) Richard Hamel 2017.