Media Links
On this page you'll find links to a few of the interactions I've had with the media. I've also had video on TWC and other outlets, and done radio and TV phone interviews with media such as BBC5's "Up All Night" show in England, and CTV in Canada.
San Antonio Express Newspaper Article: In July, 2005, Roy Bragg of the San Antonio Express newspaper joined Rick Toracinta and I on an on-call tour, chasing in Texas and Kansas. We didn't see a whole lot, but the article is pretty good. Check it out!
WUML Radio Lowell, MA "Sunrise" Program: In August, 2008, I sat in with the WUML morning show "Sunrise" folks to talk about the 2008 storm chasing season, how storm chasing tours work, and the long track tornado that had occurred in central New Hampshire just a few weeks before.
WBZ Boston Television Appearance: After the crazy 2008 chase season, I appeared on Boston's CBS affiliate, WBZ Channel 4, with Mish Michaels. The story primarily discussed storm chasing tours and the whole chase routine. Sadly, WBZ rebuilt their website and all of their video archives were removed.
WBZ Boston Television Appearance: After the 2010 season, I appeared on Boston's CBS affiliate, WBZ Channel 4, a second time, this time with Joe Joyce. The topic this time was the growing danger caused by chaser congestion. Sadly, WBZ rebuilt their website and all of their video archives were removed.
WGBH TV, Boston, MA "Greater Boston" show: On April 28th, 2011, A day after the massive tornado outbreak in the Southeastern United States, I appeared on the "Greater Boston" show to discuss the outbreak and the conditions that caused it. Looks like they no longer carry links that far back unfortunately.
WGBH TV, Boston, MA "Greater Boston" show: On June 2nd, 2011, the day after an EF-3 long track tornado with a 39 mile damage path hit Massachusetts, I returned to the Greater Boston show to discuss that tornado and my experience in Joplin, MO about a week earlier. Looks like they no longer carry links that far back unfortunately.
WGBH Radio, the Emily Rooney Show: Earlier on the 2nd, I was in studio for the Emily Rooney Show on WGBH radio, as we talked with reporters and emergency response personnel in the aftermath of the Springfield, MA tornado from the day before.
CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley: On May 25th, 2012, we were one of the features stories on CBS Evening News. Not my favorite, and I think I'm actually in it for about 2 seconds, but if you are curious, our story starts at 18:09.
NEWTV Television, Weather and It's Surroundings: In August of 2012 I sat down with Brian Ives on his Weather and It's Surroundings show on Newton Cable Access TV to talk about chasing, supercells, and tornadoes. It was a lot of fun!
WBZ Radio Boston: Storm Chaser Witnesses Moore Tornado Devastation: On May 21st, 2013, I spoke with Carl Stevens on WBZ Radio in Boston, with the linked follow up article.
Boston Globe Storm Chaser Witnesses Moore Destruction: Also on May 21st, did an interview for a Boston Globe article with Todd Feathers. My town's local news site. I think they just picked up the Globe article but I wanted to include it.
NECN Jim Braude "Broadside": In June, 2013 I appeared on Jim Braude's "Broadside" with Matt Noyes on New England Cable News to discuss the tragic death of Tim Samaras and the risks of storm chasing in the age of reality TV and endless media coverage.
NECN Morning Show: June, 2013, appeared on NECN's morning show with Danielle Niles to discuss safety issues in storm chasing.
Popular Mechanics Magazine: Could You Be a Storm Chaser?: June 27th, 2013 article discusses how enthusiasts interested in chasing can get started safely.
Beijing Youth Daily News: June 2013: I did an email interview with the Beijing Youth Daily News that became this newspaper article in China. I have no idea what it says but it looks pretty cool!
University of Massachusetts - Lowell Alumni Magazine: I got a centerfold shot! Check out page 30!
WGBH TV, Boston, MA "Greater Boston" show: On July 29th, 2014, the day after the first ever confirmed tornado in Suffolk County, MA just north of Boston in Revere, I appeared on Greater Boston with Kim Carrigan to discuss New England tornadoes and the Revere Tornado in particular.
WFXT Fox 25 TV, Boston, MA: Also on July 29th, 2014, I appeared on the morning news with meteorologist Kevin Lemanowycz to discuss storm chasing, New England tornadoes, and other severe weather topics. As far as I can tell they never put it up on their site.
EM Magazine: Not storm chasing related but in December 2015 I did an article for AWMA's EM Magazine regarding the designation process for the new 1-hour sulfur dioxide National Air Quality Standard. The article discussed EPA's designation process, what has happened so far, and the timeline into the future.
The Boston Museum of Science Wild Weather Weekend: On September 17th and 18th I presented on storm chasing at the Museum of Science. Lots of great questions and a great time!
The Guardian News, UK: February 14th, 2021, I did an interview with the The Guardian News in England with Alex Hannaford as part of an article titled: "Among the storm chaser: witnessing the terrifying power of tornadoes". Really enjoyed this one, maybe my favorite of all the interviews I've done.
Newstalk Radio: The Moncrieff Show: February 17th, 2021 I appeared on the Moncrieff Show on Newstalk Radio in Dublin, Ireland, talking storm chasing and taking people out to see storms.
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